Newborn Army Baby April 4, 2014 Babies are so fun- their cute little fingers & toes and the cute little sneezes & noises they make. We got to take pictures for this family the day after this little one was born. Baby arrived safely on April 1st at the Maple Grove Hospital. Mom really endured a lot as Baby decided to grow and grow more than a week past his due date. I guess that was his first prank- waiting until April Fools Day to arrive! We had so much fun visiting this family in the hospital and getting to hold this precious newborn! We are so thankful for this beautiful family from Clearlake that is making such a huge sacrifice on our behalf! Baby’s dad is overseas serving in the Army. We are so thankful for families like this that serve in the military for our country and put our freedom above the events of their own lives. May God bless this family and may they feel great love and support while Dad serves overseas and this amazing Mom takes care of new baby and family.